About the Niacin Sauna Detox Program
For years I have thought that many of us are not “fat” — we are toxic. The job of our fat cells is to collect toxins to protect our organs from them. The fat cells really do a service for us! I didn’t know for all those years I was trying to detox my body that there is an easier, more efficient way!
Toxins get caught and accumulate in our fat cells and at some point, cause reactions. I think of joint pain. It usually doesn’t just appear overnight. It’s often associated with “normal” aging. Could it be that “normal” joint pain associated with aging is stored toxins?
Toxins can make our thinking difficult. Think brain fog or not being able to recall a word that you know is in there!
While we can minimize our exposure to toxins, we can’t get away from all of them. Where do toxins come from?
*Pesticides *Herbicides *GMOs *Plastics *Household Cleaners *Air Fresheners *Scented Laundry Products *Hormones *New Furniture *New Clothes *Bedding *Chlorine *Cosmetics *Sun Screen *Heavy Metals *Air *Water *Street Drugs *Alcohol *Prescribed Medications
All of these and more lodge in our fat cells and stay there.
*Dental work *Surgery *Radiation from x-rays *Cell phones *Computers *All of our electronic gadgets and appliances.
Radiation has been found to accumulate in our bodies and stay there. Radiation can damage the DNA in our cells.
Enter the Niacin + Sauna Detox.
To remove the toxins from our fat cells, we need to mobilize the toxic fat. Niacin is a naturally created in our body and is also known as Vitamin B3. When we use Niacin for detoxing, it helps us flush out toxins by opening up the blood vessels allowing for better circulation and causes lipolysis, which is the process that breaks down fat in our bodies. Combining the niacin with sauna use, further allows the body to quickly and efficiently remove the fat stored toxins from our bodies. The combination of niacin and sauna helps clear your body of our toxic load. If the toxins don’t have a clear exit strategy, they won’t leave your body.
Enjoy this short video to learn more.